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SAM GROUP Investments and Shares is the investor, manager and partner of several projects, including Aracá Mineração. The Aracá Mineração Project is a tantalite, gold, diamond and topaz mining project, with its extraction located in Serra do Aracá, in the municipality of Barcelos, 600 km from the capital Manaus, where all the processing and metallurgy of niobium and tantalum ores from tantalite will be carried out. This project began in 2010 with the founding of the company Aracá Mineração Ltda. Based on the research authorizations ANM No. 880.344/10 for 9 thousand hectares and ANM No. 880.343/10 for 8 thousand hectares.


In early 2021, the National Mining Agency - ANM, granted mining permission for the minerals studied. Since the permission was granted, the extraction, beneficiation and metallurgy projects of the minerals have been initiated. In 2024, we are in the final phase of environmental licensing and operations for the immediate start of mineral explorations.


The Aracá Project, with its more than 170 million square meters, is located in the Aracá Valley, which is part of the well-known “Guiana Plateau”, which is a rock formation that begins in the south of Venezuela and extends throughout the north of Brazil, creating a large belt very rich in gold, tantalum and niobium ores. It is also considered the oldest and most exposed rock formation on the planet, concentrated between the Guianas, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.


Research Area was approved in 2010 and 2012, and Exploration Area was approved in 2014 and 2021.

It is found


  • Outside any area of conservation or environmental preservation and

  • Outside of any indigenous area.

Source: WWF International Registry (2018) according to ANM and which disclosed the illegal areas of mineral extraction applications and research located in the Legal Amazon (records in green)

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